Thursday, December 29, 2011

Little Girls Sing Super Bass

Little Girls Sing Super Bass

So, I saw this video of these little girls Sophia Grace and Rosie singing superbass on Ellen Degeneres. I seen their initial video on youtube a while ago and I thought it was funny that a little girl knew all the words to a Nicki Minaj track. Then I began to think and I got a little worried. I had questions:

1) How do her parents feel about her liking an artist named nicki Minaj?
2) Do we now allow single digit aged children to say words like hell and hoe?
3) What club did the guy come into that she realized he was blazing up? I'm hoping it was the club house.
4) Lastly, her panties should not be coming off off off for any young man 

Parents please lets choose different songs for our children to learn and sing. Take pink friday off your child's ipod and insert Willow Smith immediately!  But ok I'm done being a big brother.

Despite the wrongness of it all, the young girl Sophia Grace has talent. She has a strong voice and a real out going personality. I think Nicki is right she has potential to be something one day. But what was the other little girl doing? Was she there for moral support? Was she suppose to do the mic check but forgot to get off the stage? She said she was the hype man but she was far from hype. How you just up there mouthing the words? She just trying to get some of Sophia Grace shine...smh 

Tryna stick Sophia Grace for her shine = 2 thumbs down for Rosie

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Finding Joy in the Pain of Starting Something NEW

Starting something new can be hard for some people. We become complacent with are day to day life and anything that try's to penetrate our normal routine we tend to run far away from. What do I mean be starting something new? It could be many things:

1) Starting a new job or school
2) Changing eating habits or exercise plan
3) Quitting smoking
4) Investing money
5) OR Starting a new blog!!! or social network ---> follow me on twitter @BmoreLikeCam

When my mom suddenly told us that we were moving  over 700 miles and 12 hours away from Rochester, NY to Charlotte, NC I had no problem. I had only heard of North Carolina in text books at school and the only thing I really knew about it was the capital (only because we had to remember all 50 states and their capitals in school). I still looked forward to starting a new life in North Carolina.

In school I always chose schools where I didn't know anyone. When I went to middle school I chose a Middle School way across town where I had to catch 2 buses to get to school each day. When I went to high school I chose a school on the opposite side of town where none of my friends from middle school were going. Finally, when I graduate High School I decided to leave my friends again and go to North Carolina State University were I knew absolutely no one. Upon graduation I plan to move again and start something new somewhere else.

I'm no expert but here's Cam's tips on over coming the fear of starting something new:

1) We have all heard of the 5 P's Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. Do your research! Find out all you need to know about your possible new experience. Think of ALL possible outcomes and be prepared for ALL of those possibilities.

2) Recognize that it is normal to feel anxiety BUT don't let it debilitate you. Keep pressing, and when you feel anxious think to yourself that it is a normal reaction and that your stronger than it.

3) Come up with ways to cope with the stress of anxiety. You could start working out, talk to friends, shoot dice, go white water rafting, cut cart wheel, count sheep idk whatever you need to do to keep your anxiety level down.

4) Lastly, don't let the new experience consume your life. If you have to designate a certain time that you will think about the situation and after that time is up.... do something else. Don't let a pressing situation stay on your mind because it could overwhelm you and could keep you from doing well at your new experience.

Thank you for reading my FIRST blog post! I Hope to keep it interesting in such for the viewers!